ONE. this is an independent, private, mutually exclusive and low activity blog for arsinoë faheem, an original character based within the world of marvel cinematic universe's the eternals.

TWO. my portrayal is based primarily within the mcu's take on the eternals and i do not currently have any knowledge of the comics. please bear that in mind while writing with me. however, the character was created by myself and i ask you not to take anything you see on this blog.

THREE. i ask that you please follow usual roleplay etiquette: do not try to take control of my character during a thread, do not force a ship, and please do not message me about replies. we're all here to write and cry over the characters we love, so let's all be nice and have a good time.

FOUR. in regards to shipping, i do love a good ship. it's not the primary purpose of this blog, but i'm always open to discussing it. please note that it's not easy to ship with arsinoë. that's not to say she isn't interested, but she's very cautious about getting into a relationship considering her immortality. most of the time, she prefers one night stands without any emotional attachment involved.

FIVE. please do not follow me if you're under the age of eighteen, for my own comfort and for yours. if you use any of the well known problematic faceclaims, post anything racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamaphobic, antisemetic, or write white washed or cisbent muses, give this blog a wide berth. i have no interest in interacting with you.

also, don't follow me if you're going to write a pagan/pagan-inspired character but have no respect for the faith behind it. i'm a pagan myself, and i do get uncomfortable when i see blatantly disrespectful content about a deity somewhere.

SIX. i want this blog to be as much of a safe space as possible, and such will not be getting involved in any drama. all anonymous hate messages will be deleted without comment, nor will i be interacting with many callout posts.

SEVEN. triggering topics will be discussed on this blog, considering the story of the eternals. this includes, but is not limited to: genocide, murder, death, generic violence. while i will do my best to tag everything accordingly, if these are big triggers for you then this may not be the best blog for you to follow.

EIGHT. i work a full time 40 hour week, meaning that my activity will be sporadic at best. there will be many days where i probably won't write at all, doing nothing but posting headcanons or random thoughts that pop into my head. as stated before, please do not message me about replies. i'm very good at keeping track of everything, so i promise i haven't lost it - i'm just slow.

NINE. i'm very comfortable with duplicates and would love to interact with you! however, i do understand a lot of people have duplicate anxiety, so i will stay away unless explicitly stated in your rules that you're also happy for us to interact.

TEN. the psd and carrd used on this blog is by @plutocommissions.

ELEVEN. this blog practices mains and exclusives. the list can be found above in the mains tab.

TWELVE. hello! thank you for taking the time to read my rules. my name is sage, i'm twenty-seven years old white girl living in england. my pronouns are they/them. i'm a graduate of history with archaeology who loves anything star wars, spider-man, and ancient egypt. discord available to mutuals. if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message. ♡


NAME : arsinoë faheem
AKA : the apostate
DATE OF BIRTH : unknown
PLACE OF BIRTH : world forge
AGE : at least 7000 years old
SEXUALITY : bisexual
OCCUPATION : professor of egyptology at the university of alexandria
arishem (previously)
sersi (currently)

GENDER : female
PRONOUNS : she/her/hers
SPECIES : eternal
HEIGHT : 5'9''
EYE COLOUR : brown (gold when using her powers)
HAIR COLOUR : dark brown, almost black
LOCATION : alexandria, egypt
POSITIVE : knowledgeable, quick-thinker, patient
NEGATIVE : single-minded, blunt, stubborn
ARCHTYPE : the scholar, the empress, the apostate
MBTI : intp - the logician
MORAL ALIGNMENT : lawful neutral
ELEMENT : wood

there are figures i take influence from while writing arsinoë, not figures she has influenced/is connected to in any way in her mythos. i personally don't have her personifying any kind of deity in her lifetime
MA'AT : egyptian goddess, concept of truth, harmony, justice in ancient egypt
CLEOPATRA VII : last queen of egypt
SESHAT : goddess of wisdom, knowledge, writing, accounting, architecture, astronomy, astrology, building, mathmatics, surveying

TELEKINESIS : arinoë is able to move objects with her mind, at first needing to physically point at the item, but later being able to move it by merely looking at the item in question. she's able to lift multiple objects at the same time, depending on their weight. by the modern era, she's also able to destroy objects using her telekinesis - the largest item being the size of a van
TELEPATHY : arsinoë is able to communicate with another being at a short distance through her mind (the distance growing if she's contacting another telepath or someone she's particularly close to). this also gives her the ability to become more visible to those around her, or disappear from their view entirely if she wishes it. she cannot, however, manipulate anyone's mind further than that - only able to cloak or amplify herself as the situation requires
PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY : arsinoë is able to recall a past scene/book/movie with incredible accuracy, often memorising texts in a short period of time, bringing the object back into focus as if a picture were held in front of her
SKILLED IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES : throughout earth's history, arsinoë has learned a multitude of languages, including but not limited to: egyptian (ancient, coptic and arabic), greek, latin, aramaic, akkadian, arabic, english, french, german. in the 21st century, she primarily speaks english and arabic


arsinoë is an eternal created by arishem the judge, living on earth under the belief of protecting humans from a species known as deviants. her true purpose, however, is to aid in humanity's development for population growth so enough energy can be created for the birth of a celestial (and the destruction of the host planet). instructed not to get involved unless deviants are involved, arsinoë eventually loses faith in their mission and arishem, walking away and throwing herself into human life - eventually aiding sersi when the truth of their crimes are brought to light.

created by the father, arsinoë is a species known as an eternal, a manifestation of the force used to do the father's bidding and fulfil his will.






druisg from marvel's 'the eternals' / mains.

anakin skywalker from star wars / mains.

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character name / mains.

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character name / mains.

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character name / mains.

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character name / mains.

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character name / mains.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.

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character name / exclusive.